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The deparment delivers National 3-5 Geography courses.

When studying these courses pupils will develop geographical skills such as mapping skills, research skills, and report writing. These skills will be developed through three units Physical Environments, Human Environments and Global Issues



How Will Pupils be Learning?

Pupils will learn in a variety of ways, including fieldtrips which allow pupils to see topics studied in real life contexts. Learning will involve a variety of classroom activities such as cooperative learning, active learning and the use of thinking skills. There will be opportunities for fieldwork, practical work and outside visits. Pupils will be encouraged to give detailed answers, to be creative, to feel challenged and to have fun. Pupils will experience independent study, group tasks and presentations which will help prepare pupils for exams, work and further education by developing a number of important skills for life, learning and work, such as communication and teamworking

Course outline and unit assessment dates

How Will Pupils be Assessed?

Progress will be monitored throughout and will take the form of formal written assessments, peer and self-assessments, presentations and creative writing tasks. Homework will be issued on a weekly basis to extend learning beyond the classroom and build on the activities that are completed in school. 


National 4 pupils will require to pass all unit outcomes for each of the three units as well as completing the Added Value Unit which consists of a report on a piece of independent research. These will be assessed internally on a pass/fail basis.


National 5 pupils will require to pass all unit outcomes for each of the three units in addition to completing an Assignment which is a writen report based upon a piece of independent research, completed under exam conditions and assessed externally out of 20 marks. There is also an external exam which is marked out of 60. The final award is therefore marked out of a combined total of 80 marks and graded A-D.

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